QR code static vs dynamic

July 23, 2023 in Blog

QR code static vs dynamic

QR codes have become ubiquitous in our digital world, revolutionizing how we interact with information. In this article, we will explore the key differences between static and dynamic QR codes, their advantages and use cases, and help you determine which type is the right choice for your specific needs.

Static QR Codes

The Basics Static QR codes are simple, fixed codes that contain encoded information such as URLs, contact details, or plain text QR Code. They are easy to generate, do not require a backend system, and can be printed and shared widely. Static QR codes are ideal for scenarios where the encoded information does not need frequent updates.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of Static QR Codes:
    • Easy to generate, download the QR code and share.
    • No need for a backend system.
    • There are no tracking capabilities: the main minus for the static QR Code is that they can not be tracked. You can not see the number of scans, operating system and click reports of this QR Code type.
    • No expiration time: Unlike dynamic QR codes, static QR codes do not have an expiration date.

In general, static QR codes offer reliability and simplicity, making them a suitable choice for businesses with basic marketing requirements. On the other hand, if you seek advanced features and greater customization, dynamic QR codes could be the ideal solution.

Dynamic QR Codes

The Game Changer Dynamic QR codes are more versatile and allow real-time content updates. They are linked to a backend system where you can modify the information behind the code, enabling you to change URLs, update offers, or redirect users as needed. Dynamic QR codes provide greater flexibility and enable more interactive experiences for users.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic QR Codes:
    • Real-time content updates: QR Code content can be updated using OpenQR Dashboard without the need to change QR Code itself.
    • Trackable and measurable engagement: With dynamic QR codes, you gain access to comprehensive analytics that enable you to measure campaign success and make well-informed decisions.
    • Expiration possibility: Dynamic QR code services may offer expiration options or usage restrictions based on your subscription plan. It’s crucial to consider these limitations while selecting the right dynamic QR code provider. Stay informed and choose wisely!

Can Static QR Codes Be Converted to Dynamic?

Unfortunately, static QR codes cannot be converted to dynamic codes. Static QR codes are fixed and cannot be changed after creation. They contain encoded information that is permanently embedded within the code. Once a static QR code is generated, it’s content, such as a URL or contact details, remains unchanged for its entire lifetime.

Are Dynamic QR Codes Secure?

Dynamic QR codes can offer enhanced security compared to static codes. With dynamic codes, you have more control over the destination URLs, allowing you to mitigate risks associated with phishing or malicious content. Additionally, the ability to track and analyze user engagement can help identify any suspicious activity.

How to Choose Between Static and Dynamic QR Codes?

Choosing between static and dynamic QR codes depends on your specific needs and objectives. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

  1. Content Updates: Evaluate how frequently you will need to update the information within the QR code. If the content will remain constant over time, a static QR code might be sufficient. However, if you require real-time updates or the ability to change URLs, promotions, or contact details, a dynamic QR code is the better choice.
  2. Tracking and Analytics: Consider whether you need to track the performance of your QR code campaigns. Dynamic QR codes offer tracking and analytics capabilities, allowing you to measure scan counts, locations, and devices used. This data can provide valuable insights to optimize your marketing strategies.
  3. Security: Assess the level of security required for your QR code. Static QR codes are more straightforward and have limited security features, making them suitable for public information dissemination. On the other hand, dynamic QR codes offer better control over the destination URLs, making them a preferred choice for confidential or sensitive content.
  4. Budget: Consider the cost associated with each type of QR code. While static QR codes are generally more affordable, dynamic QR codes may involve subscription fees or higher initial costs due to their advanced features.
  5. Long-Term Objectives: Think about your long-term marketing goals. If you anticipate the need for frequent updates and deeper engagement with your audience, dynamic QR codes offer the potential to evolve with your strategies over time.
  6. User Experience: Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. Consider how they will interact with the QR code and what user experience you want to deliver. Dynamic QR codes can provide more interactive and engaging experiences for users compared to static codes.

By carefully assessing these factors and understanding your specific use case, you can make an informed decision between static and dynamic QR codes. Both types have their strengths, and the choice depends on your unique requirements and goals.

What Industries Benefit Most from Dynamic QR Codes?

Dynamic QR codes offer significant advantages for various industries, empowering them to enhance user experiences, track engagement, and adapt marketing strategies. Here are some industries that benefit most from using dynamic QR codes:

  1. Retail and E-commerce: Dynamic QR codes enable retailers to create personalized and targeted promotions, update product information in real-time, and implement loyalty programs. They can track customer engagement, gather data, and make data-driven decisions to improve marketing campaigns.
  2. Hospitality and Tourism: In the hospitality industry, dynamic QR codes can be used for contactless check-ins, digital menus, event schedules, and promotional offers. They facilitate seamless interactions and enhance guest experiences while providing valuable insights to optimize services.
  3. Marketing and Advertising: Marketers use dynamic QR codes to drive traffic to specific landing pages, conduct A/B testing, and measure campaign performance. They can modify QR code content based on user behavior and tailor campaigns accordingly.
  4. Events and Conferences: Dynamic QR codes simplify event management by allowing organizers to update event details, session schedules, and speaker information on-the-fly. Attendees can access real-time information, enhancing their event experience.
  5. Education: Dynamic QR codes find utility in educational materials, textbooks, and interactive learning resources. Teachers can update content regularly, and students can access additional resources conveniently.
  6. Healthcare: In healthcare, dynamic QR codes are utilized for patient education, appointment scheduling, and providing access to medical records. Medical professionals can update information as needed, ensuring accurate and timely communication with patients.
  7. Real Estate: Real estate agents benefit from dynamic QR codes by providing up-to-date property listings, virtual tours, and contact information. They can track property inquiries and gather valuable data on potential buyers’ interests.
  8. Automotive Industry: Dynamic QR codes enhance car dealerships’ marketing efforts by offering dynamic promotions, test drive bookings, and contact details. The automotive sector can analyze consumer behavior and adjust sales strategies accordingly.
  9. Entertainment and Media: In the entertainment industry, dynamic QR codes enable content creators to share trailers, exclusive content, and event updates. They facilitate direct engagement with fans and monitor audience preferences.
  10. Food and Beverage: Restaurants and food businesses use dynamic QR codes for digital menus, online ordering, and loyalty programs. They can adapt promotions and gather customer feedback to improve dining experiences.

These are just a few examples, but the versatility of dynamic QR codes ensures they can be implemented in almost any industry. As technology continues to evolve, the scope and application of dynamic QR codes are likely to expand even further, benefiting businesses and end-users alike.

Static QR Code success story

It is a very simple example of restaurant Loyalty Program Success with Static QR Codes

A popular restaurant chain implemented static QR codes on their dine-in receipts to enhance customer loyalty and drive repeat business. The QR code provided a direct link to their mobile loyalty program sign-up page.

Result: Customers found the loyalty program sign-up process quick and convenient, and many signed up on the spot after scanning the QR code. The restaurant chain experienced a significant increase in loyal customers, as they could now track their visits and offer personalized rewards and promotions through the loyalty program.

By leveraging static QR codes on their receipts, the restaurant effectively built a loyal customer base, boosting customer retention and revenue. The QR codes proved to be an efficient and cost-effective solution for increasing customer engagement and loyalty.

This success story demonstrates how static QR codes can be a valuable tool for businesses to attract and retain customers, making them an excellent choice for marketing and loyalty initiatives.

Dynamic QR Code Success Story

Now let’s explore how to create a dynamic QR Code Success Story. For example, let it be Event Ticketing Made Seamless.

A renowned music festival organizer adopted dynamic QR codes for their ticketing process, revolutionizing the way attendees accessed event information and streamlined entry management.

How it worked:

  1. Personalized QR Codes: Each attendee received a unique dynamic QR code linked to their ticket purchase, which included their name, ticket type, and seating details.
  2. Real-Time Updates: As the event date approached, the dynamic QR codes were updated in real-time to include any last-minute changes, event schedules, or artist lineups. Attendees always had access to the latest information right on their smartphones.
  3. Contactless Check-In: At the festival entrance, attendees simply scanned their dynamic QR codes using the event’s mobile app or a dedicated QR code scanner. The process was quick, efficient, and entirely contactless.
  4. Interactive Experiences: Inside the festival grounds, dynamic QR codes unlocked exclusive interactive experiences. Attendees could use their QR codes to participate in contests, access backstage interviews, and receive special offers from vendors.

Results: The dynamic QR code implementation delivered outstanding results for both the festival organizers and the attendees:

  • Seamless Entry: Attendees experienced hassle-free check-ins, reducing waiting times and creating a positive first impression of the event.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Dynamic QR codes offered an interactive element to the festival, boosting attendee engagement and excitement.
  • Real-Time Adaptability: The festival organizers could instantly update QR code content, ensuring all attendees had the latest event information at their fingertips.
  • Valuable Data Insights: The organizers gained valuable data on attendee preferences, behaviors, and event engagement through the dynamic QR code analytics.

This success story showcases how dynamic QR codes can transform event experiences, making them an essential tool for event organizers aiming to provide top-notch customer experiences, drive engagement, and gather actionable insights for future improvements.


The Winner Which Type is Better to Choose Both static and dynamic QR codes have their advantages and use cases. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific requirements and objectives. Evaluate the need for content updates, tracking capabilities, and security considerations to make an informed decision. Remember, each type has its own strengths, and the winner is the one that best serves your unique needs.

Embrace the power of QR codes, whether static or dynamic, and leverage their potential to enhance your digital interactions and achieve your business goals.

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